Jul 12 2019

Barry’s blog

I have had some positive feed back about my blog, and I am glad to be able to communicate with you all.

This blog is being posted a little later than I expected due to website maintenance but the past week has been interesting. We had a goat visit us at the clinic. A goat! Strange looking creatures.

The humans also decided it was time to give me a pedicure. Although I hear that humans like these, I despise them. They tricked me into it while I was warmly snuggled up in bed. Dr Russell tried to give me a new hair do. I liked it but don’t think I can keep up with the maintenance.

I also spent a bit of time peering out the front window. The building down the road looks quite interesting. Its called McDonald’s. I wouldn’t dare go outside though, it is so cold! the humans need to build me a tunnel.

We have had a new human start work at the clinic, they call her Jemma. I’m not worried about her trying to trick me into a pedicure. She works with the horses.

Some of the other humans from the clinic have ventured off to warmer climates for the next few weeks. I do look forward to their return.

We are still working on getting more staff profiles online, but if you want to know about any of the team members of GVC, feel fee to send me your questions.

Love to you all, Baz.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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