Aug 29 2019

Barry’s Blog

Hello Friends

Again I had a busy week. So much information is being relayed through the clinic so I am feeling so much smarter than ever before. The new humans at the clinic are training and I am listening to every word being said to make sure they are all learning properly and of course making sure they are paying attention!

This week we have Vet student Yatchi keeping us on our toes. These students are so super smart. And they are nice and warm. So I can snuggle up. We also had a quick visit from Cathy who is actually studying to become a pharmacist. She is doing placement next door at Priceline pharmacy but came to see what my home was like. She loves me, I could tell.

Dr Russell Dyer has returned from annual leave. What a brave adventurer. He sent me some photos to share. Nurse Kimmy said she will also post some more to Instagram and Facebook for you all to see.


As for my new little friend who was joining us at the clinic. I decided he wasn’t for me so I found him a new home. He was such a chatterbox bird. He made alot of new friends here (except for maybe Dr Jemma) but he needs to spread his wings.

Life is good. Looking forward to your visits this week.

Lots of Love, Barry.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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