Mar 11 2020

Dog & cat vaccinations

We often get the question, “do I really need to vaccinate my pet?”

One of the main reasons that we don’t see these particular diseases prevalent in society is because our pets have been vaccinated over the years, preventing it from becoming a problem in the first place. On a rare occasion, unvaccinated pets arrive at the clinic presenting with an infection, and receive the best treatment possible for their illness.

The diseases we are protecting our dogs from, are parvovirus, hepatitis, distemper, Kennel Cough (Parainfluenza & Bordetella). Kennel cough is an optional component but highly recommended. It is compulsory for any dogs that may attend boarding kennels or dog clubs.

In cats, we use the “F3” & “FIV” vaccination. We are vaccinating against Feline Herpes virus (feline Rhinotracheitis), Feline Calicivirus, Feline Panleucopaenia and the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).

When you collect a new puppy or kitten, your breeder or shelter will provide you with some paperwork indicating that your new family member has already had some injections. When they are young, the immune system is still developing, meaning they will require further booster shots until the immune system builds up enough to cover for a longer period of time. Your treating veterinarian will run through a protocol at your first health check and determine exactly how many more injections your young puppy or kitten may require until moving onto their first annual check-up and vaccination booster.

The first annual booster will be 12 months after the final puppy/kitten booster.

For canines, at this first annual booster, we can administer the “C3” component (parvovirus, Hepatitis, distemper) as a tri-annual option. This means that the injection allows the immune system to cover for up to 3 years. The kennel cough will still need to be provided every 12 months. We also complete a full annual check-up at every visit.

For cats, the F4 & FIV vaccinations can commence at any life stage even if was not started at kitten age. Once the cat is over 6 months of age, they will require a simple blood test prior to commencing the FIV vaccination protocol. The FIV vaccination is optional but recommended if your cat will be stepping outside of your house at any time of the day or night. If your cat does not wander further than your own property, there is still an opportunity for other cats to wander into your backyard/property.



At the Gisborne Veterinary Clinic, we complete our annual health checks to ensure your pet is the healthiest it can be.
If you have any further questions regarding vaccinations for your pet, you can contact us at the clinic on (03) 54282805

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2 thoughts on “Dog & cat vaccinations”

  1. Dione Lagaluga says:

    Not a comment but a questionm Do you do home visits for parvo shots? As we have never taken our puppy outside of our property he lives inside he is roughly about 5 and half months going onto 6mnths. And if you do how much would it cost

    1. gisbornevc says:

      Hi Dione,
      Thanks for your enquiry. All of our small animal health checks and vaccinations are completed at our clinic, located at 12 Robertson street, Gisborne.
      To schedule in an appointment, you can contact our staff on 54282805

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