May 07 2020

Barry’s Blog

Hi all,

This week we have seen the return of Sparky from her annual leave. Everyone is very happy to see her back.

we’ve had a visit from a fluffy bunny

And plenty of cuddly fur babies

Dr Jemma’s furry friend Bessie, has been hanging out with us at the clinic. She found a super cool spot to lounge in.

We had another visit from the llama for Dr Telisha to do a dressing change, with assistance from Zoe and Kalinda.

If you haven’t met Zoe already over the past week, she’s our new human. Super experienced with cuddles and a great veterinary nurse.

Meanwhile, treating animals at their own home around the Macedon Ranges, Dr Rohan with the assistance of Nurse Tania, have been looking after some bulls

This little guy had a sore eye and was treated for an ulcer

this little guy had a foot abscess

And this little guy, actually, he’s quite big, had a sore foot.

All on the mend thanks to some awesome vets.

Our human friends visiting the clinic have been quite impressed with the way I have my humans trained. Our closed door system is working well. I’m still awaiting news of when I can allow you all back in through the doors here because I miss seeing you all so much.

It won’t be long.

Bye for meow,



gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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