May 28 2020

Barry’s Blog

This past week has had us seeing more wildlife. As you may have seen, my humans were caring for a cockatoo who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Luckily a very kind person caught him and brought him to the clinic for us to check over. Dr Dan got to spend his Friday evening removing the foreign material from the wing of the bird, with the assistance of nurse Kim who kept him under anaesthetic for the procedure.

Ben had a sleep over at Sparky’s house. They had so much fun!

 It also wore Sparky out

We had a very senior patient in. He is doing amazing for 17 years old!

And some of the cats were making themselves nice & comfortable 

And fluffy canines hung out with us.

I had my daily doses of cuddles with my humans

And of course, the morning stretch in the fresh air


I can’t wait to see what the next week brings. See you all then.

Love, Barry

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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