Nov 05 2020

Barry’s Blog

And Twilight Payment takes the win! What a race! Leading the race from the start and they took it all the way to the finish line!

But back home at the clinic, there is always a bit of excitement happening. Dr Dan and Dr Dieuwerke teamed up for a challenging procedure. With a great outcome!

Barney came in to remove a lump from above his eye. 

Chile visited us for a torn nail


Gary popped in for a dressing change

And Katie Scarlett was in for an ultrasound

Panda came in for desexing. She got a delicious meal after her procedure, once she was well awake

Pearl and I helped keep the beds warm for the patients. They are so lucky getting heat pads in their bed. So warm and cosy and the cooler days!

My new human, Tanya, has been set to work. She is amazing! You may meet her on reception in the coming weeks

And that’s a wrap for this week. See you all again next Thursday!

Love, Barry.


gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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