Nov 25 2021

Barry’s Blog

Yeh, I’ve been slacking off. But supervising this clinic sometimes feels like a full time job.

Pearl has been assisting with supervising this week. She has been checking that all paperwork is being completed

We’ve had some friendly birds come through.

And a young ring tail possum came in after losing mum. He will be cared for by our wildlife heroes until he can be released.

And our Paws In The Park fundraising is in full swing! Raffle tickets are available through my reception area. Prizes are awaiting their winners to be announced which is set for December 8th. There will be some happy fur babies this Christmas.

And of course everyone continues to wonder what is happening with our COVID protocols. My humans are forever updating their policy. Keep an eye out on our social media for latest news.
I can give you all a run down on current policies-

  • Masks must be worn at all times and must cover your mouth and nose
  • Check in by our QR code and please show our reception staff your Covid vaccination certificate upon arrival. Our staff will make a note on our system about your status so we don’t have to ask you for your certificate every visit.
  • We will be setting the policy that all clients will need to be fully vaccinated to attend their pets consultation. Unvaccinated clients or un-masked clients will need to remain outside the clinic while nursing staff care for your animal
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • practice social distancing
  • Limits on number of people within confined areas, which includes consult rooms

On another topic, for the horsey people, we will have another gastroscope day scheduled for January 2022 so to secure a spot, you will need to chat to our equine receptionists. Further information will become available as the day comes closer.

And the last point of news I would like to talk about today, is for those who are not already aware, we now have an online booking button on our website. For your next check up, you can trial organizing this online. If you’re sitting on the computer at midnight and suddenly remember that you need to schedule an appointment for the furry (or non furry) family member, go to and follow the prompts to book in!
If you see the headings at the top of the page, you will see the option to schedule an appointment!
It is limited to our small animal clinic only (sorry, no external/large animal appointments can be booked through this system yet) but it has so far been successful and we would appreciate feedback if you feel I need to improve it.
You can choose to see Dr Russell, Dr Dieuwerke (Dez), Dr Jane, Dr Dan or Dr Candace at allocated times.

It has been wonderful having the humans travel back into the clinic. Only with a few small hiccups with our new rules, life is seeming pretty normal.

December is approaching and I may be spending Christmas at my chateau on the mount, but my humans will help you stay updated as best they can. I will nominate a capable human to do so.

Wishing you all well, see you soon.

Love always,



gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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