Jan 27 2022

Barry’s Blog

It has been a short week for my human visitors here at the clinic, with the weekend and a public holiday.

I hope you all had a wonderful Australia Day yesterday. I enjoyed the comforts of cat life, being in the air conditioned building. But I am sure that being poolside or beach side would have been a joyful event too. BBQ’s all round!

The storms last night became an amazing feature for the Macedon Ranges!
Remember that it can be a scary time for my animal friends. If last night was hard on your pets, today is the time to chat to us about helping out with the storms. Please keep an eye out for broken gates and fences, and any wandering animals who may be looking for their way home.

The hot weather and dry grasses have been causing a lot of itchy skin and itchy ears. Keep an eye out for head shaking, constant scratching at the ears and self trauma around the ears. We have also been seeing plenty of grass seeds. Call us for an appointment to have this checked.

Otitis externa in dogs | Dog health | Kennel Club

The humans have been super busy with oral examinations. Many mouths being cleaned.

Dental xrays also play an imperative role with dental procedures. My vets are excited to be able to obtain these images!

Ben has been supervising the humans. I find it a bit unfair that he gets more treats than me!

Dr Rohan will be back on board next week. Dr Des will still be away for another few weeks. I hope your horses are all behaving. If not, Dr Holly and Dr Alex can come to the rescue!

A cow photo bombing a horse stuck in a gate : r/funny

My human helper will be away for the next fortnight so my blog will not be available until their return. Don’t forget, if you have any animal questions at any time, call my humans at the front desk.

Unfortunately, we do still have a delay on some prescription foods. Hopefully this won’t be held up much longer.

Enjoy the next few weeks and I will have another update for you soon. Please don’t despair, I will return.

Love always,

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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