Sep 12 2019

Barry’s Blog

A bit of a quiet week for me. Even Ben has been sleeping away.

For those who may be wondering how Pearl is this week, her tail is much better. And I would like to remind you all again that the wound had absolutely nothing to do with me.

Other things going on around the clinic are pretty routine at the moment. Had a cute little joey come through. She received one of the newly designed pouches with a handle so she got named after the designer of these, “Anne”. Awww…. It’s almost as good looking as me 

My new business cards arrived today as well, just in time for me to show them off to you all.

And on the note of good looking pets, the clinic has decided to arrange a new banner for the front of the clinic, with photos of the locals. Unfortunately, they said it’s for the dogs only because it’s for puppy school. They have asked me to inform you all that they are running a competition. They want photo’s of your young dogs/puppies sent through, and they will choose 5-6 images for the new banner. More details will be posted via their Facebook page. So if you think your dog is better looking than me (though I doubt it), send it through. Winners get food. I love food!

Good luck with the competition.

See you all next week.

Lots of Love, Barry.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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