Oct 13 2021

Barry’s Blog

Yep, I missed another week. My sincere apologies. My human helper required some unexpected time away, but is now back and ready to type my blog again.

Last week was quite a lovely week, there were days of beautiful sunshine of which I could observe from the windows in reception, and from my brief stints outdoors.

Our vets continued with updating vaccinations, pawdicures (aka nail trims) and plenty of blocked anal glands.

Our Nurses celebrated Vet Nurse Day on Friday October 8th. They were spoiled with pizza and cake which was devoured long before a photo could be taken. We give a big shout out to The Collective for providing this delicious food!
(Sadly, it was not shared with me )

Take a look at my team of nurses and support staff:

We have had plenty of wildlife coming through to visit. We had a Koala with a sore leg. He will be rested and monitored by our wildlife heroes before he can hopefully be released back home.

We had a caring local find a young plover chick who lost it’s way from the nest. I wanted to make friends with it but the humans wouldn’t let us play. So my humans released it into the care of another wildlife hero until it will be old enough to fend for itself.

Another creature that has been bothering a few of our furry friends recently- ticks!
We have been called for assistance to remove some lately. They have been attaching themselves to all sorts of animals. I was able to get a picture of one which was removed from a cat just yesterday.
We then package it up, it will soon be shipped it to Queensland and will be properly identified. This donation helps with studies with what ticks live in different parts of Australia. It is important for the head to be removed completely and intact for these studies.

Nurse Amy celebrated a birthday this week. Happy birthday Amy!

Then we also had some routine procedures booked in which included Carlos the cavoodle and Ollie the Aussie Shepherd

For a brief update on COVID from our view- our staff will be fully immunized in the coming weeks (and a quick note, that I am fully vaccinated against diseases in the cat world!) . We will be implementing some new protocols once the state re-opens and we will be keeping all of my friends updated as soon as these new rules are put in place.

My reception area is starting to look a little different. We have decorated for our parasite promo. Considering the number of ticks we have seen recently, now seems to be a good time to get on top of parasite treatments.

And a quick little bit of insight for our annual fundraising. All details are still being finalized but we will again be doing a small amount of fundraising for our wildlife warriors. More details will be available in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the sunshine while it is here. See you all again soon.

Love, Barry.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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