Dec 22 2021

Barry’s Blog

Only 2 more sleeps until Santa arrives.

I hope you humans have all been well behaved. I’d be sad to hear if anyone receives coal for a gift on Christmas morning. I know there wouldn’t even be one cat out their that has misbehaved at all this year. Us cats are purr-fect!
And Christmas is one of our favourite times of the year. All of those decorations are so shiny, they ding-a-ling and make funny sounds. And then what can I say about the wrapping paper and cardboard boxes? In one word- Heaven!

Christmas is an indication that our year is soon coming to a close. My humans and I have had a wonderful year being able to help with the care of all your pets, big and small, tall, short and colours of all sorts.
It has been an absolute joy to see many new faces joining us, as well as continuing to see our long time friends.
This town and it’s surrounds has been an amazing place to be.

Our wildlife friends continue to be cared for:

A few weeks back, the Midland Express began a competition to collect puzzle pieces for their Christmas candy cane campaign. A winning competitor was able to choose a participating business to use a voucher. We are excited to announce that a local resident who won, chose us to use their winning voucher! Congratulations to everyone who was successful in collecting all the pieces! I hope you spend your winnings wisely.


Because it’s Christmas and I know there is much to do, I will keep my blog short this week.

Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas. I will see you all next week, before the year does come to a close.

Merry Christmas from myself and my team a the clinic.

Lots of love,
Barry and friends.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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