Feb 17 2022

Barry’s Blog

I’m back!

I bet you all missed me!
I have been working in the reception area keeping the flow of work go more smoothly. One of the most important things is to make sure you provide a smile to your friends when they arrive

And I attempted to answer phones but they lack of ability to press the correct button prevented me

With all the hard yards I put in at reception, I took a time out to rest.

It has been a feline filled clinic recently. We will soon have some young kittens ready for their new home. Kalinda will be assessing their personalities to find what home may be best suited to them. Currently, the 3 in our care are only aged 2-3 weeks so will not be available for a while, but if you are interested, please enquire with Kalinda at the clinic.

Our patients, Mini & Cooper visited for a teeth clean. After recovery from anaesthesia, they got to rest in their luxury suite, also known as the cat ward. A quiet area, away from any work flow and noises, a beautifully scented room filled with feline pheromones. Lucky cats!

Our reception area is decorated with a stunning bundle of flowers. As a cat, maybe I should be testing the limits of how far they can sit on the edge before they tip off, but considering my humans love them, I will happily let them be.

Pearl found a spot in the afternoon sun that made her look like an angel

I’m an angel too. I just don’t have to put effort into flaunting my angelic appearance

And I also found a basket. A really cool basket. It was filled with fresh vegetables from one of my humans garden, but after the vegetables were removed, I claimed my throne.

Word is getting out about our latest news. Gisborne Veterinary Clinic & Woodend Veterinary Centre have teamed up! We will soon be organising an equine gastroscope day, I’m thinking maybe Tuesday April 5th. Organised by Gisborne Staff, held at the Woodend Vet clinic equine facilities. More information to come, keep your eye on our social media and my blog. Tell your friends too!

We have many exciting times ahead.

Can’t wait to see you all.

Lots of Love,



gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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