Apr 07 2022

Barry’s Blog

One of my younger friends visiting this week was Winter, the pugalier. At only 5 months of age, she had a slight run in with a vehicle. Luckily, she escaped with only some cuts to her toes, but it sure looked sore. Dr Dieuwerke stitched her up, and sent her home for some rest.

Sunshine was able to collect her party hat from us after a bundle of lump removals.

We also had Sarah in for a cruciate ligament repair. She was a great patient. She brought in her own toy for company, which seemed like a suitable character for this time of year.

Pongo is a 6 month old kelpie with an abscess that does not want to go away. Medications and surgical intervention should help get rid of it and make Pongo more comfortable.

Westley the Golden retriever hung out here at the clinic to have his teeth cleaned under anaesthetic.

My friend Jojo is still waiting for her new home. I do enjoy her company but I think this time has some limitations and she needs her own home.

The puppy pride walk is on this coming weekend. Take your furry friend out for the day and see some of the market stalls. I have heard the weather is going to be superb for the event. The walk commences at 11:30am with the remainder of the event starting from 12pm.

As Easter comes closer and the egg hunts are beginning, my humans would like to remind you that chocolate isn’t good for dogs. If you are hiding eggs around the house, make sure they are all collected and out of your pet’s reach. And no sharing your chocolate either. Keep it to yourself.

How to create an Easter egg hunt for dogs | Vets Now

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Lots of Love,





gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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