Dec 12 2019

Barry’s Blog

This week has been interesting. More goats. Well just one goat but it makes a change around here. The humans get quite excited about seeing strange animals in here. Luckily this guy was kind and gentle, considering he broke his leg. But he was cool. I welcomed him into my home.

And I have been browsing our website thinking we needed some pictures of our large animal clinic at Riddells Creek. I’ve never been there. Lucky for me today, someone took some photo’s for me to share with you. And we had a special guide. Have a look:

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”12″ display=”basic_thumbnail” thumbnail_crop=”0″]Dr Jemma & Dr Telisha got to meet our guide. You can see our yards for patients that get treated by the humans here. I reckon I could catch a mouse or two there. Maybe just one. Two would be hard work. Or even just lay in the sun there. That would be nice.

Have you seen my new sign driving past in Gisborne? So cool! It’s my favorite picture of me. And everybody can see it. An early Christmas present for me. What are all your furry friends getting? Cardboard boxes? More tinsel? Wrapping paper? New collars? I would love a big bag of liver treats all to myself. Mmmmm…. Yum.

I’ve been trying my best to get into the Christmas spirit

And I also helped get some gifts together for our Christmas giveaway too


So, the Christmas tree is ready to go. The animals are dressing up

And we are set for Santa to arrive. Not long to go now. Hope you are all set to go too.

See you all next week.

Love, Baz.


gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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