Feb 27 2020

Barry’s blog

It’s Tour Time!

This week covers a large part of my home ground. The main treatment area, isolation, surgery and radiology.

The treatment area has a great places for Pearl and I to sit where it’s super warm. Always full of warm blankets

This is where the humans prepare patients for sterile procedures as well as smaller non-sterile procedures.

We have a total of 3 anaesthetic machines in the clinic. The humans are super good at using these contraptions

We take dental x-rays so the humans can see our teeth from a different perspective

These are our teeth cleaning machines

This is our emergency kit. The stuff in here could save a life

This is where Dr Russell does his research

This is our isolation ward. Glad to say, it is only used on a rare occasion. I’m not allowed in there

This is our sterile surgery. I’m not allowed in there either.

This is our cleaning/preparation room. Lots of sterile equipment in here

This is radiology. We take x-rays here. And the humans also do ultrasounds. Ultrasounds are a passion for Dr Dieuwerke and Dr Dan

That about wraps its up for this area. Next week, I’ll show you around my bedroom. Oooh! And the other little rooms we have.

So, this past week has included Dr Des doing dental work. This is one happy greyhound

Dr Dan has been doing ultrasounds, Dr Russell has travelled to the south. He’s off adventuring again 🙂

Dr Dieuwerke has been giving hair cuts

And Dr Jemma has been helping out in the small animal clinic with dogs instead of her normal horse kind of day. This is Evie. Dr Jemma checked out her sore foot

And that is another week done. Catch you all again for the next part of my tour and an overview of our week at GVC.

Love always,




gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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