Mar 05 2020

Barry’s Blog

I am loving this tour 🙂

It’s bedroom week! I have guests once in a while so the humans make up some comfy bedding for them. We have blankets, fluffy blankets, huts, a variety of colourful litter trays. Everything you need!

Let’s start at the front. Ward 1

We get lots of overnight visitors stay in here. Recently when Soxy had a sleep over, she stayed in here. Lots of room for storage. Extra scales to allow the humans to watch my weight

Moving along, we have just the basic, ordinary storage room. Not much to see here. The elizabethan collars are coming in colours these days, making it look a bit like a rainbow some days. Other days it looks a mess. To be honest, it does seem like a very hard job for the humans keeping these in a nice pile.

And then we have ward 2. The big animals stay here. Not only big dogs, but I have had calves, sheep, goats. Lots of smelly farm animals.

And then the most special room. My room. I share my room with Pearl. We have a couple of super soft comfy beds, keeping us warm on those cold nights. I have a super cool tower that I sit on to greet the humans each morning. And my breakfast bar.

Just past my bedroom, I have some offices full of more books. Sometimes the vets work at these desks.

This is Dr Des’s desk. I found a funny looking toy on there. So I pushed it onto the floor.

This is Dr Russell’s desk:

This is Dr Rohan’s desk. I promise that I did not eat any of his lollies.

And then my corridor leading to the final part of my tour that I will present to you all next week.

Let me know if you have any questions about my home. I am happy to tell you more about it. 

This week Dr Russell returned from annual leave and we had a great catch up cuddle.

Dr Dieuwerke has gone adventuring this week. I will get a run down on her journey for next weeks blog.

But until then, enjoy this wet weather. I heard the tanks are filling up nicely.

Love, Barry.



gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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