Jun 11 2020

Barry’s Blog

Hasn’t the weather changed in the past week? It has been quite fresh early in the mornings. I am so very thankful for the warm cuddles I have been receiving over the past few days. We still have some restrictions with the amount of humans coming into the clinic but I have met a few new faces and have been able to snuggle up with some familiar faces too. My current plan is to allow a small number of people into the reception area and we have markers on the ground of where I like them to sit. X marks the spot!

This has been well controlled by the humans at the front desk.

In my spare time within the clinic I have been playing a little bit of hide and seek. 

We have been busy in pathology doing lots of tests so I helped out there.

Dr Dan has been helping out with the wildlife. We had a magpie with a cut to it’s foot. Nurse Kim helped with the anaesthetic while Dr Dan stitched it up and placed a tiny little dressing on it. And we had a joey also with a small wound to it’s foot  which was examined but did not need further treatment from my humans.

My humans have been loving their patients. So well behaved!

I am excited for another week of fun filled visits. See you all next week.

Love always,



gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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