Oct 29 2020

Barry’s Blog

A little bit of rain kept a lot of people indoors over the past week. But for those who love the mud, it was probably more like heaven!
And then the sun arrived!

I had a wonderful week with my new friend Tanya starting at the clinic. Although she is my new friend, she is actually a returning staff member. Tanya worked with the team long before my arrival and has now returned! You may meet her at the front desk over the coming weeks.

My new vet, Holly, has settled into the clinic and has been helping many of the beautiful animals of the Macedon Ranges. 

This is one of our patients, Raffi, who visited us for a routine procedure

We had the AFL Grand Final. The feline frenzy certainly was exciting, congratulations to the Richmond fans!

Last Sunday was the day my humans had originally planned for our annual fundraiser- Paws In The Park. Unfortunately, this year it had to be changed due to the restrictions in place. For the past 14 years, the event has run with rain or shine. They didn’t want to stop it from running this year, and they would still like to ensure that local wildlife carers can receive some donations. The humans came up with the idea to continue with showbags and a raffle, and this year have introduced the silent auction. It has been moved to December 2020 and you will be updated with further details as they become available

We also celebrated 2 birthdays this week. The humans enjoyed more cake. They started doing this funny thing where they flapped their hands at the candles to put out the flame. It looked like alot of effort but the flames disappeared. 

A further update of the COVID-19 situation- regional clients are allowed into the clinic, with one person per animal, we currently still have limited numbers of people within the clinic. If you have young children attending, please call the clinic, a nurse will assist with the animals visit to their vet. Metro clients will also need to phone the clinic upon arrival to notify our reception staff and a nurse will collect the animal from the side door for their visit.
It is also helpful to call the clinic to organise medications and food in advance. It will help lessen the time everybody needs to be in the clinic and speed up your collection.
There will be a further update for you all over the coming weeks as the state prepares to open up.

With Melbourne Cup coming up, the clinic will be closed on the Tuesday but open as normal on other business days. I am awaiting the fashion that will come out on the day. I have heard that you can get some pretty fancy face masks to match your frock or suit.

Have an amazing week, see you all in 7 days.

Love always,

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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