Nov 27 2020

Barry’s Blog

All of the last minute arrangements are being completed for our annual fundraiser. So many local businesses are helping out with donations once again and hopefully we can raise some money for the wildlife creatures. The humans involved with the Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network are so dedicated! I couldn’t let COVID-19 stop the humans from fundraising.
One of my offices is looking a little bit full but it will soon be all sorted nicely into showbags and raffle prizes

The beautiful Lily happily modeled her new 24-hour suit. Dr Dan is helping with some monitoring of her heart. This requires a monitor to be strapped to her over a 24 hour period, and the results will be interpreted by a specialist. This will allow the best treatment to be organised

Maggie visited us for the day. She’s pretty. I think I have a bit of a crush on her!

With Christmas coming up soon, the decorations are up for grabs. I LOVE TINSEL!!!

Although my fuzzy babies all have a new home to go to, I will cherish every moment I get with them.

See you all soon.

I’m off for another adventure.

Love, Barry.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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