Feb 24 2021

Barry’s Blog

This week has been interesting. We have had quite a busy week full of kelpie dogs. If you have a Kelpie, there’s a good chance you have been to visit us. Here’s a peek at a couple we had in-

The humans loved these visitors.

We also had a lovely dog by the name of Douglas in for a routine procedure:

And the beautiful Evie came in for some tests:

We had Stripes and McKenzie come in for routine procedures:

Dr Candace loves toe beans (cat toes)

Nurse Amy came to the rescue when we had a pregnant Blue Tongue Lizard brought in. It was found by a caring local after it had been hit by a car on the road. Unfortunately, mum didn’t survive. Nurse Amy and Dr Dan performed an emergency caesarian to retrieve the babies ( 11 in total). Although only 2 survived, but they will be well taken care of before being released into the wild. 
Nurse Amy kept them warm and provided some Oxygen until they were strong enough to have something to eat. 

Wildlife in the Macedon Ranges is so exciting to see. Although we did not run our full program for Paws In The Park last year due to COVID-19, we still did some fundraising through December which saw $310 worth of funds collected for the local wildlife carers. Thank you to everyone who donated.

And that concludes my update for the week. Enjoy the next 7 days. See you all next week.

Love, Barry.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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