Puppy school classes have been revamped! I ordered my humans to provide a puppy-free information night so owners could concentrate on getting more information without the distraction of the puppies! I often find myself quite distracted by the young fluff balls when they come in for visits.
The young pups still attend 3 classes to learn how to socialize and also some basic commands.
I tested the seating. Every seat has a good view.
This weeks patients included Anise who visited us for a follow up visit from an emergency centre.
Poor Remy caught her nail on something which caused it to split. This called for a special pedicure where the old nail is removed, ready for the new one to grow through.
Pearl had to have a general anaesthetic to remove a fractured tooth. Our humans were so worried about her. They made sure to give her plenty of pain relief for comfort. She sure did have a good rest after this procedure
But the following day, she was wide awake and enjoying life again. The side affects of her pain relief did dilate her pupils but she was happy.
I am counting down the days until my new human arrives! In the 1st week of April, we will have a new vet arrive who will work mainly with the large animals, but I am sure to convince them that cats really are something special.
This coming Monday is a public holiday. My clinic will be closed but we will have a staff member on call for emergencies.
Have a wonderful week. I look forward to all of my visitors in the coming days. See you all soon.
Love, Barry.