Mar 18 2021

Barry’s Blog

This week has been a week of the chickens! Dr Dieuwerke, Dr Jane, Dr Holly and Dr Dan have all had the pleasure of chicken duty. And happy to inform you, they have all been great outcomes. “Featherbum” had an incident which required a wound to be sutured (picture covered for gross reasons!). I have been informed that the wound is healing nicely.

Dr Dan and Dr Holly have been helping an ill calf. Aren’t they adorable?

Although the humans say that all their patients are special, George visited us for a routine procedure. George is actually a therapy dog for St Albans Meadows Primary School and he has a very important job there.

I reckon I could be a therapy cat. I could provide relaxing vibes to everyone! I tried this out on Dr Russell and I think it worked well

We had Ruby in for imaging procedures

Molly came in a lump to be removed that was irritating her eye. She didn’t want to sit still for my photo

Roy came in to clean up his teeth. Roy is 17 years old. Wow!

Pearl enjoyed the comfort of warm blankets fresh out of the dryer

And I ventured around the clinic enjoying the view from various points

I have been so busy this week, sparing very little time for my much needed napping! Next week is forecasting a rainy week. I will be planning some rainy day activities which may include extra naps!

And to finish off my week, we will soon have 2 kittens looking for a new home. Receptionist Kalinda will be giving you all a run down on the types of personalities they have and what type of home they will be suitable for. If you are looking for a new furry family member, enquiries are being taken by my humans at the reception desk. 

Have a wonderful week.

Lots of furry love,



gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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