Jun 03 2021

Barry’s Blog

After a long period away from my blog, I am back on board with some updates.

The lockdown sent us into a bit of frenzy (well, not me but the humans). Our closed door policy was put back in place and all visiting humans entrusted the staff here with the care of their family members. 
The short period where the humans had an ease of restrictions, saw them taking some time to try to relax. There were adventures to Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, even some jet setting off to New Zealand. Lucky they got to complete their journey! 
I am looking forward to my next holiday up at “Hotel Macedon”. 

With a few new vets starting up with us, we had to get a new vehicle to travel around the Macedon ranges and surrounds. Sparky came along to assist with loading the new car. Dr Evie will be taking charge of this vehicle

Nurse Kim adopted a new dog into her family. Meet Gizmo. She had a full health check including blood tests to check her health status.

We have had quite a few patients in over the past few weeks. Check out my friends-

Dr Evie adopted one of our re-home kittens. Tosh has been getting to hangout with the staff here at the clinic. They say she is quite mischievous. You wouldn’t think a sweet face like that could cause any trouble, would you?

As we began to open the door to visitors again, Vet students have been coming back to learn from our amazing vets. Jenna gave great cuddles. Even Ben tried to sneak in a few extra cuddles. Jenna loved it!
Unfortunately, the recent lockdown meant restricting students coming in again. But things are changing once again.  

Dr Dan is continuing with his artwork. 

Even with the craziness happening, our vets are working as hard as ever making sure your pets are healthy.

Nurse Meaghan got a surprise when she came across a kangaroo with an odd accessory. What crazy animal puts a jar on their head? Turns out that this jar got stuck on its big ears!
Thankfully, with the assistance of a local wildlife rescuer, she was sedated and had the new hat removed. Success!
Nurse Meaghan kindly sat with her while she recovered from the ordeal. They also discovered that this beautiful kangaroo had a joey in her pouch! Good luck mum!

My humans would like to thank you all once again for your patience during the lockdown period. They are looking forward to seeing some familiar faces once again. Or at least part of the faces. Please wear your masks at all times when in the clinic (with consideration for health issues).

See you all next week.

Forever your friend,

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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