Jun 17 2021

Barry’s Blog

And the restrictions ease once again!

I welcome you back into my home. Wonderful to see each and every one of you again.
Don’t forget to scan in using our QR code, any time you enter the building.

Puppy school is running as normal. Consults are running as normal. Other than wearing masks and a bit of human social distancing, life seems….normal.

The storms recently affected many of my friends. Hopefully you all have life back on track at home with trees being cleared, fences being mended, electricity and internet returned and most importantly, being well and healthy yourselves.
It was certainly a scary experience for some.

Our vets are continuing the care with pets of the Macedon Ranges and surrounds. Including Chia who was in for a routine procedure:

Nancy Drew came in for dental care. After many years of chewing, some of her teeth were a bit worn out and ready to be retired. Ensuring that she had plenty of pain relief on board, she had her damaged teeth removed.

Murray the adventurous whippet caught his side on a hard object which caused a minor injury. My humans closed up the wound that occurred during the unfortunate event and he is now on the mend.

Raff also came in for dental treatment. His teeth are now all clean thanks to Dr Dieuwerke.

Lady the Labrador has had a bit of tummy trouble so she stayed with us for some radiograph imaging

Sparky and Gizmo had a good play time together while visiting with their humans before settling with a yummy treat supplied by nurse Meaghan

I was in trouble again for sampling the food.

I will await your presence at the clinic and look forward to seeing you all soon. Stay safe. Stay well.

Love always,


gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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