Large Animal Services

Gisborne Veterinary Equine Services

The Gisborne Equine services are open:

Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 9am – 2pm (Emergencies only)
Sunday: Closed

This large animal phone service operates through the Gisborne Clinics service, so any large animal inquiries should be directed to the phone number below.

Please phone our daytime number (03) 54 282805 and follow the prompts to contact us for after hours emergencies

Please note, after hour fees will apply, and if your horse/pony, and large animal needs more specialized treatment, we may advise referral to a specialist clinic.

We offer many services from this clinic including:

Routine Health Checks

Routine health checks are performed to check overall health and well-being of horses and ponies. At this time, owners are able to discuss any concerns they have about their horses health or management and generally involve formulating management plans for faecal egg counts/deworming programs, routine vaccinations and feeding issues.


We offer a full range of medical services and procedures including evaluation and treatment of poor performance, weight loss, diarrhoea, colic, sick foals, high risk pregnancies, coughs and colds, and generally unwell horses and ponies.
Hospitalization is available for a variety of conditions including colic, diarrhoea and observation.

Surgery and Anaesthesia

Our Equine facilities allow us to perform a variety of surgical procedures, including routine geldings, cryptorchid geldings, periostial strip, hernia repairs, suture extensive wounds, apply casts, foreign body removals, and many more. A dedicated Veterinarian using the latest in blood pressure, heart rate monitoring, and pulse ox equipment closely monitors all our Equine anaesthetics.

Reproduction work

We have long term relationships with many local breeding facilities in the area and provide these studs and individual owners with reproductive services both in the field and at the clinic. If you do not have the facilities to perform reproductive examinations in the field, you are able to bring mares (with or without foals at foot) to our Clinic where you are able to take advantage of our purpose built crush. This aids in reducing stress for both you and the mare.

Our veterinarian team has years of experience in the management of the mares reproductive cycle, stallion collection for fresh insemination, chilled shipment and freezing, artificial insemination of mares using fresh, chilled and frozen semen, attending foaling and post foaling checks and management of your mare and foal.

Mares reproductive cycles are monitored using ultrasound examination and with the aid of ovulatory drugs, service is as close to the time of ovulation as possible. Frozen semen cycles are performed at the clinic using deep horn insemination technique. (See our AI brochure for further details) Ultrasound examination is also used for the detection of pregnancies, including early twin detection.

For further information on the expectant mare, foaling down and passive transfer in foals, AI and collection, please refer to our information sheets and brochures.

Dental services

Our trained veterinarians carry out dental examinations and work including floating, extractions and radiographs with the aid of pain relief and sedation. Veterinarians are able to carry out dental examinations on ponies/ horses of all ages from foals to the elderly, checking for congenital abnormalities such as wry nose, parrot mouth and developmental abnormalities such as wave mouth and hooks.

After a physical examination, pain relief and sedative are administered to enable the oral cavity to be examined. Using Powerfloat dental equipment, an electric powered tool, enables quick & efficient management of routine and more problematic dental work. This equipment is registered for use only by qualified Veterinarians. Veterinarians also use dental rasps, powerlites and scales to ensure a complete and thorough dental is performed. In the event of extractions being required, these may be performed under stand local anaesthesia or at the Clinic under general anaesthesia



Breathing and respiratory difficulties can be investigated with the use of endoscopy. Visual examination of the upper respiratory tract, including assessment of guttural pouches and trachea


Investigation of trauma and disease to the bone is carried out using the x-ray equipment set up, allowing you to view the radiographs.

Our X-Ray equipment allows the Veterinarians to Radiograph many areas of the horses legs and body, including stifles, shoulders, heads, and necks.


Ultrasonic examination allows investigation of internal tissues such as tendon and ligament injuries, assessment of lumps and abscesses along with reproductive work. .


We offer an in house same day pathology service on routine blood samples, including haematology, biochemistry and electrolytes. Also offering same day IgG results on plasma/colostrum and evaluation of sperm concentrations.

For more specialized or complicated testing, we send samples to an outside independent laboratory, most with a turnaround of 24 hours results.



DNA sampling/Microchipping

DNA sampling and Microchipping can be performed by our Equine Veterinarians on foals and weanlings for the Australian stud book, central animal records and for other forms of Equine registration:

Pre-purchase examinations

We offer experienced Equine Veterinarians to perform pre-purchase examinations tailored to suit your individual requirements, from children’s ponies right through to performance athletes.


Our experienced Veterinarians can assess lame horses, perform diagnostic analgesia to localize the lameness, and then recommend appropriate radiographs or referral for other required procedures, like Scintigraphy or specialized Ultrasounds. This work is completed on site.


Recently introduced to our line up of services in 2022, gastroscope procedures are available to equine clients. These can be booked through our large animal reception staff on scheduled days, with pre & post boarding available.
Gastroscopes are the most suitable method for diagnosing ulcers of the upper gastrointestinal tract.