
Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Good food promotes good health. We all know that diet is an essential part of maintaining good health for us and for our pets.

  • Neutering, or castration, offers a number of advantages, especially if performed at an early age (6-9 months). Following puberty, at approximately 8-9 months old, the male cat develops a number of often undesirable behavioural changes.

  • Neutering removes the sexual urge from both dogs and bitches. It can be carried out surgically when it is irreversible.

  • Most male animals (stallions, bulls, boars, rams and tom cats) that are kept for companionship, work, or food production are neutered (castrated) unless they are intended to be used as breeding stock.

  • The term 'nutraceutical' was coined to represent compounds found in food and herbs that are not technically considered nutrients (such as vitamins or minerals), but which may have a profoundly beneficial impact on the health of the body.

  • Obesity, defined as an excess of body weight of 20% or more, is the most common nutritional disease of domestic cats. Although the frequency varies from one country to the next, we know in some countries that up to 40% of adult cats are obese!

  • We are all very much aware of the problems that obesity causes in people. What is not so commonly known is the fact that the same problems can affect our pets if they are overweight, therefore it is always prudent to ensure that weight is lost if necessary.

  • An oesophagostomy tube is a small flexible tube that enters the oesophagus or gullet via a small incision through the skin of the neck. Food is thus able to be delivered to the stomach bypassing the mouth and pharynx.

  • Olive leaf extract exhibits both anti-viral and antibacterial effects; it may also be effective against various yeast infections. The antioxidant properties in olive leaf extract may prove useful for the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis and dermatitis.

  • Essential fatty acids (EPAs) are fats and oils that are essential in the diet because the body cannot make them. They are extremely important nutrients for health.