

  • Foaling Facilities Each facility offers different services, so please contact each to determine the best arrangements for your mare. These numbers are provided to assist you in finding a foaling facility for your mare. The service provided by these facilities is independent of Gisborne Veterinary Clinic and no responsibility is taken for the service provided.

  • Consent to Perform Veterinary Surgery-Gelding Consent Form

  • Glucosamine is an amino sugar that occurs naturally in the body and plays an important role in forming and maintaining the body's tissues such as nails, skin, ligaments, tendons, bones, heart valves, discharging mucous from the lining of the digestive tract, urinary tract and respiratory tract.

  • Laminitis Laminitis means inflammation of the laminae of the hoof. Another term for laminitis is “founder”. The laminae are folded ridges that interlock and glue the hoof wall to the pedal bone. In laminitis there is damage to the interlocking laminae resulting in separation of the pedal bone from the hoof wall. In severe cases this may allow the pedal bone to rotate or fall through the sole. Horses that have had laminitis may have growth rings in the hoof wall, they may have a dished appearance to the hoof, a depression in the coronary band and often a dropped sole. Once an animal has had laminitis it will always be prone to laminitis. Laminitis is controlled, never cured.

  • Looking after an Expectant Mare We often think of pregnancy as a delicate and fragile condition. When it comes to horses, this perception is perhaps due to the mare's relatively poor reproductive performance in comparison to other domestic animals. However, in a natural setting, the mare does comparatively well reproductively. Therefore, this seemingly poor performance is due as much to improper management as to any reproductive deficiency. Fortunately, management is something we can control.

  • Magnetic therapy, more accurately termed magnetic field therapy, is the use of magnetic fields. Fields are generated by either permanent magnets or pulsed electromagnetic fields, for treatment of medical conditions.

  • Propantheline is an antimuscarinic drug, which reduces smooth muscle spasm. It is used to treat urinary incontinence due to unstable muscle contraction and it is also used for disorders of the intestines characterised by muscle spasm.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete system of medicine developed to prevent and treat disease. Its roots are in writings and practices which were developed over millennia.

  • Acupuncture is one of the oldest treatment methods in the world. It is also probably the most widely recognised form of so-called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) which also includes homeopathy and herbal medicine.

  • The term acupuncture is from the Latin, acus meaning 'needle' and punctura meaning 'to puncture'. Acupuncture, in its simplest sense, is the treatment of conditions or symptoms by the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body in order to produce a response.