
Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Old or geriatric dogs are at the stage of life at which the aging process is affecting every organ. Some organs wear out faster than others, so it is important that the older dog does receive special care.

  • Veterinary drugs are registered by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (AVPMA). In addition, through the various Australian State's legislations, veterinarians are entitled to prescribe human medicines for use in their patients if deemed necessary.

  • Regular routine check-ups for our pets can often lead to a longer, trouble free life since they can frequently give an early indication of impending problems. These check-ups usually take place at the time of the annual booster vaccination.

  • If your pet has to come in for routine blood tests it is hoped these simple guidelines will be helpful. The guidelines will ensure the results are as accurate as possible and may avoid the test having to be repeated.

  • SAMe is used for the treatment of canine cognitive disorders, suspected depression, osteoarthritis, and especially hepatitis. It is appropriate for all species, since it is present in all mammals.

  • If you feel dissatisfield with the advice or treatment given to you and your cat it is your right to consider a second opinion or referral.

  • Second opinions and referrals often cause great anxiety to owners, irrespective of whether suggested by the veterinarian or considered as a possibility by the pet owner.

  • A pet may be a part of your life for many years and many behaviour and health problems can be prevented by seeking guidance before obtaining a new pet.

  • Supplements are products that are added to foods for either a nutritional or a therapeutic benefit.

  • Slippery Elm is well known for its use as a protecting and lubricating herb for pets with gastrointestinal disease. The tannins in the herb reduce inflammation, and the oily mucilage components lubricate the digestive tract and assist in waste elimination.