
Preventive Care & Wellness

  • In Australia there are about 3,000 snake bites per year, of which 200 to 500 receive anti-venom. On average, one or two of will prove fatal.

  • Socialisation is the name given to the process whereby the puppy learns about herself, her own species and the other species with which she will live. The puppy learns to accept others in close proximity.

  • Soy proteins are the proteins found in the soybean and its products such as tofu. Isoflavones are a particularly important class of soy protein, and include the water-soluble compounds genistein and daidzein.

  • Spaying should always be considered if you are keeping your bitch merely as a pet. It has many advantages and few disadvantages.

  • There are four factors that influence a dog's recovery from spinal surgery.

  • St. John's Wort is a herb, prepared from the plant Hypericum perforatum, that is mainly used for treating depression and anxiety disorders in people.

  • A supplement is a concentrated nutrient source that is added to a basic diet for either a nutritional or a therapeutic effect.

  • A supplement is a concentrated nutrient source that is added to a basic diet for either a nutritional or a therapeutic effect.

  • Your dog has undergone a major operation. Smooth recovery will depend upon continued nursing at home.

  • Tea tree oil is a highly potent oil extract from the tea tree plant. It reduces swelling in inflamed tissues. Tea tree oil is also a broad spectrum antimicrobial (anti-infection agent) in even very tiny doses.