
Diet & Nutrition

  • Soy proteins are the proteins found in the soybean and its products such as tofu. Isoflavones are a particularly important class of soy protein, and include the water-soluble compounds genistein and daidzein.

  • Thiamine deficiency used to be a common condition due to the fact that in days gone by, raw fish was a common component of a cat's diet. However, commercial manufacturers realized this problem and foods were fortified with thiamine and the disease was rarely seen.

  • Thiamine deficiency used to be a common condition due to the fact that in days gone by, raw fish was a common component of a dog's diet. However, commercial manufacturers realized this problem and foods were fortified with thiamine and the disease was rarely seen.

  • Mice are kept for many reasons, from being pets to prize show animals. They are not ideal pets in many ways but are easy to keep in captivity.

  • Rats are kept for many reasons from being pets to prize show animals. They are excellent pets, are easy to keep and you can develop good owner-pet relationships with them.

  • Maintaining nutritional intake in sick cats is vitally important. Unlike healthy cats that are able to reduce their metabolic rate when not being fed, cats that are unwell are unable to turn their rate down and will therefore 'starve' much more quickly.

  • Cats do have a requirement for vitamin A in their diet and deficiency can lead to problems. However, too much vitamin A can also be harmful and this can lead to toxicity.

  • Vomiting describes the return of food from the stomach. It may be related to disorders of the stomach but is a sign that can occur with many other different diseases and problems.

  • Will it Ever Rain Again? Feeding Horses in Times of Drought Your once green pasture is starting to resemble an arid desert savannah. Feed and grain prices are climbing and the price of chaff and hay (if you can buy it at all) is going through the roof! Your horses need feeding but with what? If you can’t get hay and you have no pasture, what on earth are you supposed to do?