Small Animal Services


Each Surgery uses the safest monitoring systems, Isoflurane gaseous anaesthesia (The safest gaseous anaesthetic available), heating pads to maintain body temperature, sterile gloving and autoclaved draping and instrumentation. Our surgeons perform a wide range of procedures from speys, and castrations to orthopedics such as cruciate ligament repair , exploratory abdominal surgery e.g. (removal of intestinal foreign bodies), caesarean sections and many more surgical procedures and techniques


We use Isoflurane gaseous and oxygen anaesthesia after induction from an ‘out of circuit’ CIG anaesthetic machine. For the safety of your pet, we use a Multi parameter patient monitors that look at blood pressure,  pulse oximetry and capnography that monitors oxygenation and end carbon dioxide levels, internal body temperature, respiration, . Each surgery has a certificate trained dedicated nurse monitoring your pet’s anaesthetic.

Radiology & Sonography

The GVC small animal department has the latest digital Radiology technology.


Are Digital radiographs best for your pet?

They can be as we need to take less x-rays to obtain a good quality image we also know immediately if we have the radiograph we need as it appears in 2 seconds on a LCD TV display in the same room. We are also able to forward radiographs onto referral clinics in a more efficient timely manner. Clients can also take digital copies home for future reference.

We often perform x-rays to screen the heart and lungs for disease, and radiographs of the abdomen can diagnose ingestion of foreign objects and give us valuable information about any abnormal internal organs.

Dental Care

We have recently purchased the most modern dental technology available. The ultrasonic scaler is the most gentle cleansing way to remove tartar and not damage the tooth’s enamel. Each tooth and gum is flushed with a special chlorhexidine gel that kills bacteria, leaving the mouth fresh and healthy. Unhealthy teeth that require removal can be split by a high-speed drill bit that speeds up the procedure with less risk of bone injury.

We detail the health of each tooth with a record of your pet’s dental status supplied on discharge.


The Gisborne Veterinary Clinic provides a comprehensive service for the treatment of cancer patients conveniently located under the one roof. The clinic can provide services ranging from diagnostics through to treatments such as surgery, and chemotherapy. In addition the clinic can support patients through the recovery period and post discharge from the service.


We stock a wide range of medicines with a broad choice available to our veterinarians so they can utilize and dispense the most appropriate drug for your animal’s situation. If your animal requires very specialized pharmaceutical products and we do not stock it, then we will order the medicine in especially for you. We also are able to have medications compounded from tablet form to liquid for any animal that may be hard to administer tablets to.

Diagnostic Laboratory

We have an in-house IDEXX machine that enables us to run full blood profiles within one hour or taking the blood sample.

The blood testing can be used for biochemical tests e.g. liver or kidney enzymes, electrolytes and haematology
Our Microscope allows us to examine tissue sample smears for things such as skin mites. Bacteriology and cytopathology such as ‘fine-needle aspirates’ on lump examinations can be performed.

Admission and Discharge of Your Pet for procedures


If your pet is booked in for surgery please follow these guidelines:

  • Please schedule your pet’s arrival with our receptionists, between 8am and 9am
  • Dogs and Cats cannot have food after 7:00 pm the night before. Water should be provided unless directed by your treating veterinarian.
  • Rabbits and Guinea Pigs are to be feed as normal.

Transporting pets

  • Cats should be carried in a cat box for safety; a pillowcase is also a suitable option.
  • Dogs should be on a lead and under control.

Should you require assistance with your pet, please notify our staff upon making your appointment and we will have someone assist you at your arrival.


We will be in contact with you after your pet has had their procedure completed, and arrange a discharge time at your convenience. Most day surgeries will be ready for discharge and go home after 3.00 pm.

Ancillary Services


This can be implanted during a routine consultation or at the time of surgery e.g. speys or castration. We strongly advise that all pets be Microchipped to ensure their safe return if they wander or get lost often by misadventure. We have had many cases where a relative or neighbors looking after the owners pet inadvertently leave a door or gate open where the animal ‘disappears’.

Clipping and Grooming

We currently do not offer a full service, however please ask us in cases where your pet may need sedation or a general anaesthetic for uncooperative or severely matted pets.


Food Products

We stock a wide range of special health related foods both wet and dry.

We stock

  • Royal Canin
  • Hills- prescription diet
  • Delicate Care

Flea and Wormers

We stock a wide range including:

  • Advocate
  • Advantage
  • Drontal
  • Milbemax
  • Nexguard Plus
  • Bravecto
  • Profender

Any product that we do not stock on our shelves, can be specially ordered on request.


We have range of:

  • Shampoos
  • Collars and leads
  • Toys and gadgets

Our Fees and Payment of Accounts

The fees we charge for our services reflect the quality of the service and expertise we provide along with our well-trained staff and equipment. We will neither be the cheapest or the most expensive
Our small animal accounts are payable on the day of service, or at the end of treatment supplied to your pet.


For very large accounts or for unexpected emergencies we can offer a financial agreement program with our chosen Finance companies. Or a payment agreement signed with the GVC –by arrangement.

Payment Methods

We accept all major Credit Cards, Eftpos, and Cash.

Direct Debit info

Account Name: Vet Partners Australia PTY LTD
BSB: 082057
Account Number: 575198257

Please add your client code to the payment transfer.This will allow for our staff to allocate the money correctly.