Jun 16 2021

Winter exercise for dogs

During the colder days, it’s so easy to grab your favourite blanket and snuggle up in front of the fireplace with a hot drink. But what about our fur baby family members? We see our pets also curl up in bed on a cold winter’s day, but it is still important for them to get out and about to exercise.
The cold weather can often see us put on the winter layers and extra pounds.  

It is highly encouraged to still pop on those walking shoes and get up and keep active. Sure, the rain can restrict what we can do some days, but this is also a good reason to find another type of activity for your pet to keep well entertained.

Different breeds of dogs may find certain activities better suited to them than other breeds. It may be trial and error to find what is best for them.

Dogs have a keen sense of smell, so using treats involved in games can stimulate their mental state. Hiding treats around the house (making sure you collect any left over after the game finishes) or targeting games can be a starting point.
There is a large variance of toys available in stores that can encourage movement.






Create as treasure box for your pet- gather household items or new toys for them to explore
Some households have treadmills which you can also share with your dog. It may take a bit of time to train them to use it but it can assist with getting them moving.
Balls games do not always have to involve running a fair distance. They can involve a catching activity within a smaller space.

Teach your dog to dance.

If the colder days are keeping you inside because of the low temperature, layer up to stay warm on a walk. Dog jackets are available in different styles (and colors) to suit the type of weather- water resistant, fleece lined etc. 

Dogs who may suffer from arthritis and joint problems, can be provided with supplements like 4Cyte to help with their joints during the colder period. If they are still having trouble with movement, it may be worth a check up to ensure they stay comfortable through the winter.

There are many different activities for your pets. If you need assistance to find what may suit your pet best, contact our staff and have a chat (03) 54282805

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