So things got busy and I missed last week, and late with this week. Apologies my human friends.
But the most important things is that we are still able to provide care for the animals of the area.
Including Max the Corgi, who has been a bit sore in his legs lately.
Our kittens are up for adoption, not quite ready for a new home just yet, but definitely on the hunt for their own families. They are growing so quickly!
2 of my humans from the clinic have kindly volunteered their time and skills, and are heading north to the flood affected areas in Queensland. Dr Dieuwerke and Nurse Meaghan will be carting a huge bundle of supplies to help with injured and sick animals.
We are so fortunate to have such wonderful people in our community. Once they have completed their volunteer work, I will update you on how the animal care is going up there.
This has all been organized through Vets For Compassion, a volunteer based organization alongside Lismore Vet Clinic whom have lost their facilities through this ordeal.
On a happier note, I have also been given my own sampling bag of food. My humans allow me to graze through it as I like
And I have also claimed a new seat in reception as my sleeping quarters.
A reminder that this coming Monday is a public holiday so my humans have opted to close for the day. So I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend and I will see you all soon.
Lots of Love, Barry.