G’day Humans and furry friends!
How’s your week been? Hopefully as fantastic as mine!
Plenty of cuddles this week. I met a new human called Jamie. She is currently studying her veterinary nursing certificate and I have easily been able to instruct her on how to open doors for me, let me out into the sunshine, she also provides me with food and plays games! She thought she could trick me into a pedicure while we were playing but I knew what she was up to, so I tricked her too…. made it harder to trim my nails. But it was fun.
Pearl has been a bit greedy with the warm spots in the clinic this week, even sat on top of the dryer. At least I have had the outside warmth of the sun to enjoy.
We had a lot of Cookie’s today. Not the biscuit kind. A dog, a cat and a rabbit. All named Cookie. Personally I think the name suited the cat, but not the dog or rabbit. They need names like Bingo and Thumper.
I also received an update on my bird friend that went to a new home recently. He is loving his new family. Might be getting a bit spoilt there. Jacko is his name. His new best friend is a crow who hangs out in the courtyard at his home. They can talk the same talk, crow the same crow. He has so many new bird friends!
The humans have also informed me that the competition for the puppy photos has finished. I will help them judge the photo’s. They better be cute!
Winners will be announced as soon as I have made my choice.
Have a great long weekend. For the footy followers, good luck. See you all next week.
Love Barry.