Welcome back to my blog!
After a few weeks away from the updates, I am back to give you a run down.
We are testing some new decorations. So far, we are having mostly good feedback. Let me know what you think, as we may continue the theme in other parts of the clinic.
We will soon also be putting up our new memory tree, so keep your eyes out for that one. The memory tree will hold photos of our pet family members (past and present), so if you would like to contribute, we will welcome a photos of your animals to place on display once it is ready.
I am also sad to say goodbye to one of my veterinary nursing friends, Mel.
Mel will be embarking on a new adventure but she has left me with many memories. Thank-you for helping us over the past few years, Mel. I will miss you, and I think the humans from the clinic will miss you too. Good luck.
We were lucky to have Mel, and we had some quiet celebrations to wish her well.
Two of my other humans have returned from the Veterinary Nursing Conference. They have filled their brains with so much information, which will assist with incorporating the newest information into our policies, and ensuring we are up to date with the latest technology.
Our computer system will also be having some minor updates with regards to our messaging systems. Please let us know if you begin to receive unwanted text messages.
Thank-you all for your patience while I had some time away from the blog. Have a wonderful week, and I will be back next week with more insights from behind the scenes.
Love, Barry.