Oct 03 2019

Barry’s Blog

Barry’s Blog  

Nope, Not today. Today it’s Pearl’s Blog

I think I deserve a chance to write something up too. Barry thinks he is king of the castle. Well, I am just as sweet and pretty. I have the most lovely eyes. Humans tell me this all the time.

A little about me: I am a 4 year old beautiful domestic short haired cat with one blue eye and one yellow eye. I like peace and quiet most days. I enjoy warm places and sometimes like a cuddle. I know I can seem a little hard to handle at times, but I am a cat. It’s just what we do. Barry is s strange cat, a little different to the rest of us.
I have enjoyed my life here at the Gisborne Veterinary Clinic over the past few years. A young lady found me alone on the street and kindly brought me to my new home. It was love at first site with all the humans at the clinic. They didn’t want me to leave. 
I enjoy observing the humans from the high shelves around the building. The distance keeps me safe. Barry, on the other hand, is a bit of a daredevil and will try to engage with some of the visitors we have. This worries me at times. 

Some of our humans from the clinic will be roaming the world during October. Nurse Amy will soon be adventuring to the USA, Nurse Nicki B is sight-seeing in Europe. What lucky humans!

Nurse Amy and Nurse Kimmy got to fill their minds with the latest information on oral care for small animals.

Manager Travis has been chasing his cows after they went on their own adventure this morning.

Receptionists Jayne and Kalinda have been sorting the shelves out front.

We were also sad to say goodbye to Nurse Alex this week, as she takes on the UK. Good Luck Alex!

This whole blog thing certainly is a different activity. I think I might stick to chasing flies and laser beams!

Dr Russell has been testing his new eye ball machine. I wasn’t coming down for that! Leave it to Barry


Hope you all enjoyed my story. I’ll send Barry back in for you all next week.

Love, Pearl.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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