Who ever thought that being in isolation would be such hard work?
Even though their faces are covered throughout the day, I can still tell the humans are all smiling. And I’ve heard that the nurses and doctors for all the sick humans have been working so hard, as well as all other essential workers. They all deserve an amazing holiday! The picture I found surfing the internet is a spectacular representation of what is happening. I love it!
As I haven’t had much human interaction lately, I’ve been able to work hard on the supervising. Our policies have changed the daily routine a little but we are now in a good rhythm to make it all work.
I would love to see how you are all spending your isolation days.
Pearl and I have been having dreams about being a hero like the humans
We are still working on loading our new website human profiles. Check out the Beautiful nurse Amy and Pearl
Ben and I have been searching the kitchen for extra snacks. The delicious smells of the humans lunches waft through the clinic during the middle of the day
Dr Russell has been wheeling Ben around on the patient trolley. He has sore legs at the moment so I’m sure he appreciates the help with his adventures around the clinic.
And of course I couldn’t leave out the pictures of the brave pets who have come to visit us
I hope these images have put a great big smile on your face. If you’re feeling a little too isolated at home, shoot me a message and have a chat. I would love to see some pictures of you all having extra cuddles with your companions. You can share them on the clinic’s Facebook page.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week.
Your friend fur-ever,