Good news! Wait…. GREAT NEWS!
I have decided that it is time to let some more humans back into the clinic (well, there is still a limit of 6 people in the waiting room). I have been thoroughly enjoying the attention I have received over the past few weeks as restrictions have eased and more humans have come through the door. Now it is time for serious cuddle time!!! I will apologize in advance if I seem a little too needy, but it has been so long since I have received the interaction I require on a daily basis. The humans are still requesting social distancing measures stay in place. But I am no human.
These past 7 days my humans have been keeping busy with orthopedic surgeries. Those pesky cruciate ligaments! But my awesome vets are working their magic to help fix the torn ligaments. Good on you Dr Dan & Dr Russell. Meanwhile, the nurses have been kept busy scrubbing away and keeping the surgical equipment super sterile for the procedures
Our fluffy patient Maple got plenty of cuddles from our nurses Amy & Emily
Sparky & Bessie have been hanging out at the clinic
More good news that reception would like me to remind you of, is that June will see 4Cyte bonus packs available and the equine 4Cyte gel has a bonus pack with a reduced cost which will actually remain reduced. How exciting is that???
Fruit platters are a plenty in our lunch room. We certainly are keeping healthy
Dr Dieuwerke’s patient Milly came in for a teeth clean. She’s a superb patient
And to finish up on another high note, I have had word that Dr Des James will be making his return very soon!
Have a great week everybody. Let’s cuddle soon!