Hello everyone!
I am currently holidaying in the beautiful Macedon, surrounded by amazing wildlife. The fresh air is so good. I am hoping that my human host will kindly provide some pictures for my New Year Blog. But for now, I might reminisce on the year that has now passed.
It sure was a hard year for both humans and animals with the changes that were made to our everyday lives. But for every one of those days, I am grateful for the company I had and for the humans that have been working in my clinic over this period.
The year was tough to begin with with bushfires streaming through the state, followed by this horrible virus and having been shut off from a lot of the world. Holidays were cancelled, loved ones kept in touch by video chats.
We saw many humans working from home and enjoying the extra time they had with their furry, feathered and scaly companions.
The humans here had to wear masks all day long, constantly washing their hands and they also put bright orange lines on the floor of my clinic as a barrier for distancing. We had to cancel all work placements!
I bid farewell to 2 of my friends- Dr Telisha & Dr Jemma. I hope they are enjoying the new clinics.
I welcomed nurse Zoe early on in the year, though she is now on mummy duty/maternity leave and delivered a beautiful baby girl in December.
Dr Charlotte also welcomed a healthy baby girl in September this year. I hope to see Dr Charlotte return from maternity leave in 2021
I also welcomed vet nurse Tanya who worked at the Gisborne Veterinary Clinic long before my arrival, she has now returned and is loving it here!
And although we had many limitations put in place, we got through it together!
We have completed this strange year by providing 2 little kittens with new homes. Marley and Lucky have both had many applications for adoption. Their new homes are going to bring so much joy to the whole family.
I hope the new year brings some wonderful times to you all. I can’t wait to meet all new family members and hang out with all those I have already met in the past.
Looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Lots of Love,