What a whirlwind of a week it has been!
I wasn’t impressed that we had to lock the doors to all the humans again! Pearl was feeling the same way. She kept running out the door and hiding in the bushes. It was naughty but the only way to see our friends. And they were beautiful days to be out getting fresh air. I could see lots of people from my spot at the front window, taking a walk.
We also had some excitement of a new puppy being adopted into the family of my human, Holly. Clyde is a partner in crime for his new sister, Bonnie.
At the other end of the age scale, we had Eddie the older Kelpie come in for some treatment
Hurley the Ridgeback got comfy on my chairs in the consult room during his check up
And Kalinda’s little treasure, Maddy, has decided to try out some new hair colours. I heard green is a favourite amongst white dogs.
On my other adventures, I checked out the blankets in the cupboards. Pearl didn’t fit so I didn’t let her in.
With the lockdown only being for the 5 days, our doors are once again open to the humans. Please ensure you stick to their rules when you want to visit inside. Please speak to my receptionists if you have any questions.
Enjoy the amazing weather and I will catch you all next week.
Love Barry.