It may have been an uneventful week for myself, but the clinic has been continuing with amazing ongoing care for the local animals. We’ve had cruciate repairs, dental work, motor vehicle accidents, tummy upsets…. the list goes on and on.
I feel so lucky to have these super-humans around me.
I got to try out the new blood pressure monitoring machine. Because it’s portable, I had the humans bring it to me in my bed.
My furry friends will also get the pleasure of using this machine in consultation visits.
My friend Koonoomoo came in for a dental procedure. She did have a broken tooth which warranted removal. After this procedure, she should feel so much better.
She had a series of dental images taken to identify the problem teeth. Some teeth can look bad on the outside, but are actually quite healthy which can be confirmed but radiograph imaging.
Our portable x-ray camera makes it so easy for my humans to obtain good imaging.
With weather starting to cool down again, make sure you have some extra warm blankets for your furry family members. Jackets are a great idea for outside adventurers. And any of those older folk may need a helping hand from a check up for their arthritis. Pentosan injections are very common for aiding arthritis sufferers. Joint supplements can also assist.
Personally, I like the warm air from a good heating source, but I have been told being too close to heaters can pose a burns risk. I’m not allowed to have a hot water bottle because my beautifully manicured nails put holes in them. Coming in a close second for my choice of heating source is the lap of a human. Perfect temperature. They just don’t sit still long enough for me.
Stay warm, stay dry. See you all next week.
Love always,