Jul 15 2021

Barry’s Blog

Plenty of animals visiting this week. The school holidays seemed to have spared some time for our human friends to update vaccinations and have our furry friends desexed, teeth cleaned and out for socializing. 

Rodney popped in for a day visit:

Oscar was a lucky dog to have both ends cleaned out during a visit. He has some sparkling clean teeth to show his family and his rear end also got a clean out to make him more comfortable.

Unfortunately, anal glands can cause a bit of an issue for lots of dogs. They often require on going checks and manual emptying, luckily our vets are happy to perform this task.

Seamus has had a few tummy upsets so my humans completed a few more tests to try and get on top of his issues

Nymeria, the husky, and Milk, the cat both came in for spey procedures.

Fairy Floss, the little pomeranian, had some of his baby teeth stuck. It is important to have them removed before they cause the adult teeth to have problems themselves. 

Dr Dan celebrated a birthday this week. The humans enjoyed a mousse cake with stunning strawberries.

I had cuddles with Nurse Mel

Pearl and I made sure our heated table stayed nice and warm for when our patients needed it

I also monitored our surgical room, it stays clean at all times, set up and ready to go. I am not allowed in there but I have a great view from the window.


Sparky & Gizmo hung out in the office to get some work done.

And that’s a wrap for this week. Sounding like another lockdown for the humans so make sure you have your plans laid out for a few days in. With more cold days ahead, it sounds like a great time to be snuggling up under the blankets with your furry friends.

See you next week. 

Love always,




gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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