Jul 22 2021

Barry’s Blog

Hi everyone!

Due to some technical issues with our website, I was unable to complete my weekly blog. Devastating, I know! Unfortunately, I just didn’t have enough knowledge under my fur to fix the issue and was awaiting the big guns to get it done. Luckily it was a quick fix and we are back online. Hooray!

So, a quick run down on our week, Dr Rohan tested out some new equipment which may aid in some diagnosis of our patients. He looks like he is enjoying that!

Alongside our dental campaign which is currently underway, our staff entered a behind the scenes competition and won! A short video demonstrated how we set up for our small animal dental procedures. Take a look:

With that video, my humans were spoiled with a small gift

That chewing gum should make their breath a little nicer!

2 of my favorite humans, nurses Tanya & Mel are commencing some additional study. They were given a little package of goodies to start their venture. Pearl assisted Tanya with opening the package

We had Buddy the young jack russell terrier in for a routine procedure.

Bob the cat came in for a not so routine procedure but Dr Russell fixed his issue and he is recovering well

Pearl wasn’t too happy about me taking over one of her favorite sleeping spots (the washing basket) and Ben snoozed away on the patient recovery trolley.

With the restrictions still in place, I have organized my humans to run a closed door policy. If there is any easing of restrictions next week, we may begin to open to the public again with limited numbers of humans to come through the door. Stay tuned to our clinic social media for further updates.

And on that note, it is time for a nap. Have a wonderful week, see you again soon.

Love, Barry.


gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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