Sep 23 2021

Barry’s Blog

I was quite adventurous around the clinic this week. The excitement of seeing more people has really got me feeling involved. I helped the nurses fold the washing. They thought I was playing. It’s actually really hard work trying to fold large blankets!

I also signed off on orders that arrived with new stock.

And I supervised reception to make sure the humans abide by the guidelines in place

I completed the photocopying. That was hard work too!

And I watched the flowers grow, kindly provided by Manager Travis

And I guess some of our patients should be seen also….

Jax had a small incident at home and was feeling a little sore. His owner brought him straight down where my humans tended to him and ensured that any pain he had was under control.

And fluffy Maggie was in for a routine procedure. All went well and she will be returning home after a period of monitoring after her procedure.

And this little birdy had a concerned finder who brought it in to be checked. My humans checked it over and provided care including a delicious honey mix

I hope you are all doing well out there. The sun is starting to stay out a little longer and we are having some warmer days. Pearl is beginning to enjoy some short escapes outdoors to soak up some of this sunshine (even though she is not supposed to).

My humans have been excited to see that many people of the Macedon Ranges are abiding by the guidelines set by the clinic to help keep other people in the community safe and also to allow our staff to continue running with our doors open.

Our humans would like to encourage all other humans to wear a mask inside the building. If you have an exemption, please notify my humans and they will guide you through our protocol for service.
We have hand sanitizer available throughout the building for anyone to utilize during their visit. And don’t forget to scan in using the QR code which is available for anyone to scan during their visit to the clinic. If you have any trouble using this, please let our reception staff know and they can assist. I can’t as I don’t have a phone. Maybe one day.

And that’s it for another week. See you all in 7 days.

Love always, Barry.

gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

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