Mar 18 2020

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Update

With the Corona virus pandemic in Australia we as a business may be required by government to close our door’s to the general public for non-essential treatment of animals for a period of time. We are certainly hoping this does not happen but would be negligent if we did not put plans in place around this possibility and inform our clients.
We are hoping with allowances from Government that we can continue to provide essential emergency treatment and surgical procedures for both our small and large animal’s patients. We will also organise the dispensing of essential medications.

Below are a number of items we are putting in place to protect this ability to keep our doors open and also scenarios if we have to close the doors. So please rest assured that we will be able to continue to provide treatment and essential medications to all clients.

Please read over these carefully as some of these items may affect your ability to be serviced at the clinic.

Current plan with clinic still operating as normal.

• We are asking clients if they show flu like symptoms not to visit the clinic; and asking if possible a family member or friend can bring your animal in.
• We are asking clients who are coughing or showing illness to wear a mask;
• If you do need your animal treated and they are unwell, we are asking that you must call ahead and speak with the triage nurse about arranging isolated treatment or other family members to bring in your unwell animal.
• We as a clinic have put in extra cleaning and sterilising protocols in place in the form of hand sanitizer’s in all room’s in the clinic, including reception and front airlock areas.
• Large animal work due to its low person to person contact rate will continue at this stage.
• We will aim to reduce waiting times in waiting area, and also ask client’s to keep distances from other clients in waiting area.

Plan for clinic running with doors closed as essential service with skeleton staffing

• We will keep the doors closed to general consultations and procedures and will only see essential patients i.e. emergency’s that are deemed emergency’s by our veterinarians and nursing staff.
• All contact between clinic and clients will be via phone, until deemed necessary for the patient to come to the hospital.
• We will run a team of essential staff to deal with all emergencies our clients may face.
• The clinic has set up the ability to perform online consults where applicable – the triage nurse and reception staff will organise this on a case by case basis.
• We will set up repeat script medication drop/pickup box for dispensing medication and reducing human contact.
• Large animal work due to its low person to person contact rate will continue at this stage
• Referral to an emergency facility is still currently available as these facilities are still operating for both small and large animal emergencies and these can be contacted directly or through our triage service

gisbornevc | News & information

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