Oct 21 2016

Prepare your animals for an emergency

Prepare to evacuate with your pet when and if necessary.

It is important to prepare yourself, your family and your pets for what could happen in an environmental emergency. The decision needs to be made early whether you will stay or leave the area.

To prepare your animals, make sure you have a set plan and the whole family is aware of it, and then put a training session in place to ensure that it can take place safely in the emergency situation.

It is important to keep all records up to date and any paperwork should stay together and be readily accessible. Check whether microchip details are up to date- mobile phone numbers, email address etc., and all vaccinations should also be updated in case they need to come into contact with other animals.

Evacuation kits can be put together for individual animals to make sure they have everything they need when travelling and evacuating:

  • Water and food for at least 3 days
  • Containers to drink and eat out of
  • Leads, halters, collars, identification tags
  • Cages/pet carriers (size suitable for both animal and the car)
  • Blankets, bedding
  • Litter trays & litter (where relevant)
  • Medications
  • Relevant documentation
  • A list of relevant contacts (vets, microchip registry, local council) in case of separation of you and you animals.

You can label all of you kit contents with your contact details in case anything become misplaced or lost.

If using a trailer or float, check the tyres and brakes regularly. Maintain your vehicle to ensure it can tow in an emergency.

Practice hitching the float/trailer and backing it into a loading area. Make sure they are readily accessible for an emergency.

If there is a high number of livestock on your property, you may consider moving them to a designated safe area or evacuating them ahead of extreme weather forecasts (Code Red days).

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