News & information

  • Chocolate doesn’t mix with dogs

    Mar 11 2021

    April brings around the celebration of Easter, which many people will recognise as a holiday of religious significance and others will celebrate the arrival of the Easter Bunny and chocolate.…

  • Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV)

    Mar 11 2021

    There are approximately 90 species of bats living within the borders of Australia, a small portion of the 1240 species identified from around the world. The Australian bats range in…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Mar 04 2021

    Puppy school classes have been revamped! I ordered my humans to provide a puppy-free information night so owners could concentrate on getting more information without the distraction of the puppies!…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Feb 24 2021

    This week has been interesting. We have had quite a busy week full of kelpie dogs. If you have a Kelpie, there’s a good chance you have been to visit…

  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

    Feb 24 2021

    FIV (Feline immunodeficiency Virus) is a disease that is transmitted from bite wounds by infected cats. The wounds are contaminated by the saliva of the infected cat and the virus…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Feb 19 2021

    What a whirlwind of a week it has been! I wasn’t impressed that we had to lock the doors to all the humans again! Pearl was feeling the same way.…

  • Feline vaccinations

    Feb 18 2021

    Feline diseases can be fatal in some cases. Luckily, there are protocols put in place to help protect them from getting sick. Although we can never guarantee 100% coverage, the…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Feb 11 2021

    Of all the amazing Barrys of the world, I came across this Barry recently. Barry is cool. Who doesn’t love a guinea pig? Dr Russell completed a dental procedure on…

  • Equine Strangles and Tetanus

    Feb 11 2021

    Horses will routinely be vaccinated again strangles and tetanus. The protocol is outlined below:   So, what is Strangles? Strangles is a highly contagious disease, spread by direct contact of…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Feb 04 2021

    You may be familiar with the amount of cake my humans consume. We have birthdays quite regularly. But it feels that this week, my humans have gone pretty healthy. Check…