Barry's Blog

  • Barry’s Blog

    Oct 03 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Barry’s Blog   Nope, Not today. Today it’s Pearl’s Blog I think I deserve a chance to write something up too. Barry thinks he is king of the castle. Well, I…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 26 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    G’day Humans and furry friends! How’s your week been? Hopefully as fantastic as mine! Plenty of cuddles this week. I met a new human called Jamie. She is currently studying…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 19 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Welcome to another wonderful week humans, It’s been another fun filled week meeting other furry creatures, enjoying the sunshine and venturing further into the world. I almost made it across…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 12 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    A bit of a quiet week for me. Even Ben has been sleeping away. For those who may be wondering how Pearl is this week, her tail is much better.…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 05 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Hello everyone, The sun is out! I am starting to see some regular walkers in the morning when I have my morning stretch in the fresh air. It’s so lovely…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Aug 29 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Hello Friends Again I had a busy week. So much information is being relayed through the clinic so I am feeling so much smarter than ever before. The new humans…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Aug 15 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Snow report! Did you all get to see the snow? How cool was it? So cold! But just as many of you did, I took the opportunity to venture out…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Aug 02 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Wow, the past week has been so busy! The humans have certainly been working hard this week. And I got to watch them do it all. Some days I don’t…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Jul 25 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    This past week I’ve been anticipating the work they were planning on doing with my teeth.   Good news….. I have a beautiful clean smile and refreshing breath. The toothpaste…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Jul 18 2019

    gisbornevc | Barry's Blog

    Welcome to another Barry’s blog.  This week I was given my vaccination and annual health check. It did not impress me but I was given the all clear with perfect…