News & information

  • Barry’s Blog

    Oct 27 2021

    One more sleep until my metro friends can join us! This sounds super exciting! Please just make sure you still follow all rules I have in place- QR check in…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Oct 21 2021

    Happy Thursday everyone! Our parasite campaign is in full swing. Don’t forget to pamper your pooch with an update of their parasite treatment with a free toy! I love toys!…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Oct 13 2021

    Yep, I missed another week. My sincere apologies. My human helper required some unexpected time away, but is now back and ready to type my blog again. Last week was…

  • Barry’s blog

    Sep 30 2021

    Congratulations to all the Melbourne Demon supporters out there. A well deserved win. Me? I can’t say which team I support more than any other, but for some reason, I…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 23 2021

    I was quite adventurous around the clinic this week. The excitement of seeing more people has really got me feeling involved. I helped the nurses fold the washing. They thought…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 15 2021

    This week I thought I would update you on a recent addition to Receptionist Jayne’s household. Her furry friend, Zillah, had a litter of puppies and we have been watching…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Sep 08 2021

    Last week, my human helper had some time off so I was unable to complete my blog. But we are back again with your update from the inside. I was…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Aug 26 2021

    It has been a sad week for me. With our doors closing yet again, I have been so desperate to get outside to see more human life. But even when…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Aug 19 2021

    This week, my humans have commenced some training of a new task that will take place for the beginning of the equine breeding season. With equine critters starting a big…

  • Barry’s Blog

    Aug 05 2021

    My humans have such a sensitive spot for their patients. I admit, I sometimes feel a little jealous that the patients get more attention than myself. The humans comfort their…